Blue Mind

A mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peace, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment.

Blue Mind was called the top global wellness trend of 2020. Then COVID-19 — and its associated economic and social stress — hit us and Blue Mind's practicality and utility skyrocketed.

Martha’s Vineyard Ocean Academy works with learners to develop healthy habits and understand their Blue Minds.

What is Blue Mind?

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Dr. Wallace J. Nichols

Dr. Wallace "J" Nichols - called a “Keeper of the Sea" by GQ Magazine, “a visionary" by Outside Magazine, a "water warrior" by AQUATICS International and a "friend of the sea" by Experience Life Magazine - is an innovative, silo-busting, entrepreneurial scientist, movement maker, renown marine biologist, voracious Earth and idea explorer, wild water advocate, bestselling author, sought after lecturer, and fun-loving Dad. He also likes turtles (a lot).

Dr. Nichols collaborates tirelessly to create the new story of water and share it with the world. This story includes the vast cognitive, emotional, psychological, social, physical, and spiritual benefits that we can all derive from healthy waters and oceans throughout our lives…

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Buy a Copy of Dr. Wallace’s National Bestselling book, “Blue Mind” on Amazon.

Why are we drawn to the ocean? Why does being near water set our minds and bodies at ease?

Dr. Wallace J. Nichols will show you the remarkable truth about the benefits of being in, on, under, or just near water in this formal discussion with Casey Blum and Ian Ridgeway